Lds media library hunter
Lds media library hunter

lds media library hunter

Members are encouraged to use digital versions of materials where feasible. Order printed materials from the online store You can download them or order physical copies from the online store. Materials for people with disabilitiesĬurriculum materials are available in various accessible formats. New members, investigators, and members returning to activity will study from the Gospel Principlesmanual. It was designed as a training video for Sunday School teachers by showing the training needed to teach well.The collection has one copy on a film reel. A Teacher is Born: 1955 Produced for the Sunday School board of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Sunday School general presidency hopes people read it on a daily basis, pray about it, and get closer to God. Hunter is widely known among LDS Church members as the co-author of the book Ancient America and the Book of Mormon with Thomas Stuart Ferguson. This is a documentary on what LDS Church welfare is and how it functions.


Manuals are the Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual and the Book of Mormon Class Member Study Guide. The adult Sunday School course of study for 2016 is the Book of Mormon. This website allows you to quickly and easily search talks from General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ().This corpus (or collection of texts) contains 25 million words in 11,000+ talks from 1851 to April 2022. Hunter manual on the second and third Sundays. Read an article and explore an online exhibit at to learn more about President Hunter’s life. Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society classes will study the new Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Howard W. Read what general leaders say about the theme. Additional materials will be provided throughout the year in Church magazines and at. Explores the lives and thoughts of children from 15 countries. The Mutual theme for 2016 is “Press forward with a steadfastness in Christ” from 2 Nephi 31:20. The theme may be used to enrich Mutual opening exercises, as a topic for sacrament meeting talks by youth, or to provide focus for youth activities, camps, youth conferences, and devotionals. Music, videos, articles, and graphics to support the 2016 theme are now online at . Movies available at the Library This inspiring documentary tells the story of teenager Malala Yousafzai, who survived a Taliban attack in Pakistan to emerge as a global voice for the education rights of children. (Learn about limited availability of printed versions of these lesson resources.)

  • Valiant 8, 9, 10, and 11 (ages 8–11 years): Primary 4: Book of MormonĬlasses will be taught from Come, Follow Me: Learning Resources for Youth.
  • lds media library hunter

  • CTR 4, 5, 6, and 7 (ages 4–7 years): Primary 2: Choose the Right A.
  • lds media library hunter

    Sunbeam Class (age 3 years): Primary 1: I Am a Child of God.


  • Nursery Class (ages 18 months–2 years): Behold Your Little Ones: Nursery Manual.
  • Primary teachers and leaders will use the following manuals in 2016:

    Lds media library hunter